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Cooperation with Ouyeel Cloud Business
日期:2016-04-06  发布人:admin  浏览量:269

Fanglue Group is association with Ouyeel of Baosteel Group,  to achieve commodity trade logistics take "Internet"and touch "Cloud"


In-depth talks in conference room (3F) of A district


January 27, 2016, Ouyeel cloud business Co., Ltd. of Baosteel Group North Branch manager Zhang Chunwei and his entourage come to negotiate comprehensive business cooperation accompanied with the manager Ge jie from the Jiangsu Jinju Logistics Co., Ltd. Group Vice Chairman, Industrial Logistics Operations Division President Ma Ziqiang, Network Technology Operations Division President Chen Kejun, vice president of logistics operations division Industrial Guo Liqin, Marketing operations director Du Huaming, Leader Wei Genshang of Audit inspection joined reception together.


Guo Liqin, the Industrial Division Vice President of Fanglue Group (front row, second from right), Ouyeel cloud business manager Zhang Chunwei (front row, first from right) jointly inaugurated the designated regulatory positions of Ouyeel cloud business.


Manager Zhang Chunwei and his entourage carried out a visit to  District A and B. During the visit, the two sides proposed to pledge of warehouse receipts financing business as the basis, to promote the expansion of commodity trade and logistics business of the initial exchange. Then in a conference room of   third floor, they also took substantive issues in-depth talks. Through equal and friendly to negotiate, the two sides finally decided: Ouyeel set specified supervisory positions in Fanglue Group, Fanglue to take advantages of bonded logistics platform and comprehensive business, Ouyeel cloud business play its commodities business platform and big data advantages, the implementation of strong cooperation and common means of expanding trade and logistics warehouse receipts pledge commodities.


After the talks, both sides held the opening ceremony for  designated supervisory positions of Ouyeel cloud business.



The first consignment of Ouyeel cloud business arrived in Fanglue warehouse in supervision and achieve positive results.